As we have come to know that Bharti Airtel has launched its 4th Generation Mobile broadband service at Kolkata. As a part of Telecomtalk me also got invitation to be present there. Can call myself proud to be the witness of Country’s 1st and World’s 2nd (most probably in this band) TDD LTE(Time Division Duplex-Long Term Evolution) launch. This was inaugurated by Kapil Sibbal ,Hon’ble Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India.
This launching ceremony was held on ITC Sonar and Airtel arranged a experience zone for us. After committed two consecutive speedtest , the result is:
At this initial stage the speed is being delivered at around 40mbps after that network upgradation it can be reached upto 100mbps at moving condition. So speed will not be dream so far.
for plan & pricing please click here.
Some pictures of that inauguration party(taken from my mobile and my friend(RDB)’s cam):
for more updates on Airtel 4G Stay tuned on: .
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