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Android Lollipop vs Android M – 9 Features of Android M

Google has announced new features of the upcoming Android M. These new features have made the operation of the Android M so simple. Dave Burke claims that the theme currently used to refer to the next version of the OS is “to improve the core user experience” of the Android. Burke is Google’s vice president for android. These Android M features were announced at the annual I/O developer conference. In this article, we are going to discuss these features and the roles they play.

Improvement on how apps communicate with each other: Currently, when a user clicks a link on Twitter, they are asked to choose between the Chrome browser and the official Twitter app, but this feature will enable the software to automatically verify which app is suitable to open the link. No announcements have been made so far about what happens if the users install third party Twitter apps and whether the new feature will give the users an opportunity to decide for themselves.
1.The Doze:
This feature has improved the standby battery time of the Android smart phones and the tablets. Burke said that it automatically shuts down the dormant apps to double the battery standby time.
2 – Adoption of the USB Type C connector:
This feature gives room for new standards for charging devices. The operating system provides the users with an option to choose whether they want to charge their devices or to charge another device using it. For example, the user can use an Android M tablet that has a USB Type C connector to charge a smart phone that runs on the same OS and vice versa.
3. Fingerprint scanner support:
This feature is also found in an iPhone with Touch ID and it enables the users to unlock phones and authenticate payments within apps by use of a fingerprint for security purposes and easements.
4. Android Pay:
It is located on the mobile payments front. The platform operates on NFC standard and enables the users to make payments within the apps or at the retail store. Even though Google Wallet was not mentioned, 700,000 retail chains within the US have already signed up to be part of the new platform. It enables the users to pay for things without opening an app in a simple and more secure way.
5. The Chrome Custom Tabs:
This feature enables the users to read online and it operates when apps have a dedicated Chrome Custom Tab button that when clicked, opens the Chrome browser within the app.
6. A browser window customized just like the app:
This feature can pull the requisite data from the Chrome browser, allowing the users to log into apps and fill forms. It will be released to users in the third quarter.
7. chrome Network Quality Estimator:
This feature detects weak internet connections and strips away contents like images for the page to load faster. The same thing happens on Apple’s Safari.
8. Apps permissions system:
This feature enables users to control the behavior of apps and how they use the features of the device. For example, users can revoke or modify the permissions to apps and select individual permission. For example the user can give Whats-app access to the contact list instead of giving it to the microphone.
9.  The small Android M features are; improved text selection, remembering most frequent contacts and apps, sharing data, bringing back data and volume stream control.

Find Unknown Mobile Number Details and Name Using Android Phone

TrueCaller app can find details of unknown mobile or landline phone numbers. These details may include name, address and location of the caller. TrueCaller can also block unwanted calls and fill details in your phonebook using social media profiles of contacts. It instantly tells you who’s calling before you pick up the call.

Sometimes, I receive phone calls from unknown mobile numbers that neither I nor does my cellphone recognize. In such cases I often wished if I could find details (like caller’s name and location) of the phone number. If I happen to miss the call then it becomes a bit difficult decision whether to return the call. The dilemma gets enhanced also because the unknown number could as well be a wrong number and also it could that be of a nagging tele-caller. Very routinely, we all face this problem of unknown phone numbers. In such times, TrueCaller service comes as a great respite. Using TrueCaller, you can easily trace any mobile number and put a name to an unknown mobile phone number number.
Recently, Kari Krishnamurthy, Truecaller’s vice-president of growth & partnerships in Asia, Middle East & Africa, said that “over half of our 70 million users are in India, and we are adding 110,000 users a day here”. So, you can imagine how popular this app is in India.Trust me, this is extremely useful if someone is trying to harass you by making unsolicited, unwanted and/or blank calls. Faced with such anti-social elements, people often wish if they could find the details of phone number that is being used by the offender. TrueCaller mobile app and website are probably the quickest and best way to determine the ownership of such unknown phone numbers. In this article, I will talk about the features of TrueCaller service, but let’s first understand how this service works.
How to Find Details of Unknown Numbers using TrueCaller
TrueCaller essentially relies on the massive community of mobile phone users. It is arguably the largest of such communities. You can consider it as a huge telephone directory.
If you install TrueCaller app on your mobile phone, the app will pick up contact details from your phonebook and integrate the details in a global database managed by the service. In the same fashion, the app collects information from millions of users. As a result, the database becomes really fat.

So, TrueCaller works on the lines “if your phonebook does not have a number —someone else’s phonebook may have it!”
Isn’t it a simple idea… power of unity?!
This database of mobile phone numbers is freely searchable by anyone through TrueCaller app or through TrueCaller website.
  1. Go to the TrueCaller website
  2. Now you would need to sign-in. The website will give you the following options to do login:
    1. Google account
    2. Microsoft account
    3. Facebook account
    4. Yahoo! account
  3. Enter the phone number for which you want to find the caller details.Website will automatically detect your country and country code. If, by chance, the code is wrong, you can select the country code from the drop-down list.
  4. Click on the Search button.
  5. TrueCaller will wade through the database and show you all the details that it will find for the given phone number. For example, see the following image:
TrueCaller gives you details of a given phone number. It provides name, address, country of the caller.

TrueCaller gives you details of a given phone number. It provides name, address, country of the caller.
How to download TrueCaller App
The TrueCaller app is available for all the major mobile platforms. Symbian (old Nokia phones), Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry and Apple iOS —this app is available on the respective stores of these operating systems. Just search for “truecaller” in the store, download the app and install it.
Interface of TrueCaller website homepage as on 11 August 2014.

Interface of TrueCaller website homepage as on 11 August 2014.
If you’re using a phone with older operating systems, like Symbian and Nokia Series 40, you can download app from the TrueCaller website.
Major Features of TrueCaller App
  1. It is totally free lookup service for mobile phone numbers.
  2. The app automatically searches its database to identify an incoming call when it does not find a match in your phonebook.
  3. It enables you to reject a call if you’re not interested in talking to the calling person.
  4. App enables you to easily populate and enrich your phonebook by giving you the option of connecting your phonebook contacts with their social media profiles. The app then fetches photos and other details from social media sites into your phonebook.
  5. TrueCaller app mostly returns useful information on the phone number provided.
  6. You can also use the TrueCaller website to lookup phone numbers online. You’ll need to sign-in using your Google+, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Yahoo account. Once signed in, you can make as many searches as you want.
  7. The app allows you to block calls. You can specifies phone numbers from which you do not want to receive calls. The app will shield you from such irritating calls as tele-marketers and other harassers.
  8. The app can locate details of land line (aka fixed line) phone numbers as well!… and details of the pre-paid card numbers too!
  9. It doesn’t matter where the caller is located. The TrueCaller directory is global and therefore it can give you details of even the foreign phone numbers.
    Let’s now watch the official video introduction of TrueCaller. This YouTube video explains why TrueCaller was created, how it works and its main features:
    Reasons and Benefits of Using TrueCaller
    In today’s chaotic world, you will find lots of reasons as to why you want to use a service like TrueCaller. A friend of mine recently complained that she was getting missed and blank calls from a particular mobile number. The caller was making tens of calls everyday. When my friend picked the call or called back, no one would speak up from the other side! Such harassment!
    In the days of fixed line phone, we used to have telephone directories which we could look up after getting the caller’s number from Caller Line Identification Presentation (CLIP) service. These thick paper directories used to have name and address of the fixed line owners. So, it was easy to nab a trouble-maker.
    But in the era of mobile phones, we do not have such directories. It is tough to find as to who owns a given mobile number. This presents an ideal playground for those who have nothing better to do than causing problems for others. On top of this, mobile numbers keep on changing hands. As a result probability of getting wrong number calls also increases. Then we have our dear tele-callers who will try to sell us anything from loans to insurance to what not.
    TrueCaller is a precious service in such a scenario. It provides you with some degree of control on how to handle unwanted calls. Yes, it uploads your contact book also into its database —but then they keep it safe and also allow you to edit your details. TrueCaller works with the power of masses. Everyone contributes for the benefit of everyone else. If you’re not up to anything mischievous, then you should not worry about your number going into the database of TrueCaller.
    A global service of the nature of TrueCaller is very important because tech-savvy harassers can easily guise their phone numbers and make it look as though the call is originating from a foreign country. They can also play a great number of other tricks. TrueCaller empowers us, the common users, by sharing real information about phone numbers.
    Interesting facts / trivia about TrueCaller
    • It was developed by True Software Scandinavia AB.
    • The company released the first version of TrueCaller on 12 December 2012 (12/12/12)
    • Recently, Truecaller received a $18.8 million from Sequoia Capital for further development.
    • TrueCaller is available in more than 35 languages. (in Sept 2014)
    • At present, TrueCaller can be installed on Truecaller is available for Android, Apple iPhone, RIM BlackBerry, Nokia Symbian, Windows Phone 7, and Windows Phone 8
    • This app is being used by over 10 million users.
    So, go ahead and install TrueCaller app on your mobile phone. This will help you find details of the unknown mobile and landline phone numbers. I hope it was useful information for you. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions. Thank you for using TechWelkin.


    Airtel free 3g internet

    Latest Airtel free 3g internet proxy trick June 2015 (updated)
    Hai techintor fans, today I got new proxy free internet trick for airtel. I knew that many airtel users are searching for - 2015 June 2015 airtel free 3g proxy trick. Yes this is the correct place. Here I am posting 100% working airtel free 3g internet proxy trick. This proxies are 100 percentage working in all over India. And I am personally checked in Kerala.
    This latest airtel proxy and home pages are generated by the hard work of a big team. So don't copy paste our posts. It is against DMCA and our privacy.

    Read latest airtel free 3g internet data proxy trick - JUNE, JULY 2015
    Proxy list - 
    - [ first try this]
    - [high spped]

    - www.air-proxy.com
    - zacebook.com
     - 0000a-fast-Proxy.de
     - (resume supported)
     - iphider.org or (High Speed)
     - prx.im or
     - (resume supported)
     - proxies.us OR
     - bbproxy.pw OR
     - 4everproxy.com OR
     - hideip.co OR
     - hiload.org OR
     - clickbypass.info OR
     - www.zfreez.com OR www.efreetimes.com OR www.vigoob.com OR
     - OR Jetproxy.com
     - OR proxy.hmastuff.com
    Port - 80 or 443

    Home pages - 

    d26le6habm8lnc.cloudfront.net [ try this first]
     airtelgurus.com [ try this too]
     ic.bsbportal.com or video.bsbportal.com or Prod.bsbportal.com
    airtelgurus.com or video.airtelgurus.com
    live.airtelworld.com or d.airtelworld.coM

    Follow the below steps to use free 2g or 3g internet Using PROXY trick

    For Mobile users
    1.Go to settings in mobile phone
    2.Then open Network Connection Setting.
    3.Now in the option, click on create new setting/ connection.
    4.There you'll get many input options just do as stated below-
    5.Account Name – Airtel free 3g internet trick by techiNtor
    6.APN – airtelgprs.com
    7.Proxy address – Type any of the proxy address given above.8. Port – 80
    9.Now leave all the other fields blank
    10.Save settings and Make it default
    11.Now open your internet browser ( open any browser )
    12.Now open any homepage given above
    13. Now enjoy free 3g high speed internet on your airtel.

    For PC (computer) Users

    I will recommend you to use Mozilla Firefox for setting up proxy trick.
    1. Open Options.
    2. Click on the advance tab and then network tab.
    3. Click on Manual Connection setting and add the above-given proxy and port.
    3. Save the setting.

    4.Now open home page given above

    5.Enjoy free high-speed 3g internet on your PC with your airtel sim

    If you get low internet speed then disable javascript and enjoy high speed

    Is this post helped you? Then please share it. Share our posts and support us. Keep visiting techintor.com and grab more tricks and tips.
    Incoming search terms - latest airtel free 3g internet proxy trick JUNE 2015 , airtel free 3g proxy JUNE 2015, airtel free 3g internet trick JUNE 2015

    Trick No. 2: Airtel high-speed Proxy with front query trick JUNE 2015
    open opera Mini handler or Uc browser and set the following details-
    Port: 80
    Apn: airtelgprs.com
    Front-Query: wynk.in/~dedi/index.pl/en/00/http/
    Apn:- airtelgprs.com
    Front-Query: buddies.airtelmoney.in/~kollev/index.pl/en/00/http/
    Apn:- airtelgprs.com
    Home page:- airtellive.com
    Front-Query - airtellive.com/cgi-bin/nph-naninaveen.pl/en/20/http/
    This airtel proxy with front query trick is working in JUNE 2015. Working with high speed and confirmed in many states.


    How I Hack Windows Password

    How I Hack Windows Password

        Let see...
    Bypass and Hack Windows Password

    Warm Up

    Why do you need to hack windows password?
    I don’t know. You tell me. I hope it’s for good purposes such as helping out people who have forgotten their windows password or may be to boast to your friend or i don’t know impress a girl? I don’t care honestly.
    Why am i writing this article?
    Before writing this post i tried Google’ng for posts that have good info on windows hacking. I discovered most of them were full of shit and outdated. That is why i decided to write this post on hacking passwords of all version of windows. Yes all of them.Widows 8/7/XP/blablabla
    What we are going to do?
    We are going to bypass and thus hack the windows8 /windows7/XP  login password. You know that son of a bitch screen which tells us that “The password that you have entered is incorrect” . Yeah now you can tell it to suck it.After using this software you can enter anything as your password and it will take you to desktop. Thus we are not going to recover any passwords but we are going to bypass the login authentication of windows.

    Getting started

    How are we going to do it?
    We are going to use a software called Kon-Bootv2.4. Now i am giving you the torrent link of it so you can download it for free. Because this software is premium. But  i must tell you that this software is good that you should probably buy it in respect to it’s creaters.
    Torrent link (free) (Checked. Doesn’t have any virus or spyware.If you don’t know how to download a torrent click here.)
    Kon-Boot official Download (Paid)  (This is their original site so no chance in hell that it has spyware or any weird stuff in it)

    Installing KonBoot

    Installing it is pretty easy. I am going to tell you how to install it on a USB as it’s the best because you can carry around your USB stick and insert it whenever you want to hack somebodies windows password.
    1) Insert an empty pendrive/USB stick/FlashDrive (Just format it if it’s not empty)
    2) Go to the folder where KonBootv2.4 is downloaded and double click on KonBootInstaller.exe
    3) If their is a warning click on Run anyway
    4)  Make sure you have only attached the USB on which KonBoot has to installed then click OK
    konboot options
    5) Now at the bottom there is a drop down box called “Available  USB Drives” open it and click on the option showing.
    6) Now click on the option saying “Install to USB Stick (with EFI support )” then click on YES
    7) Then a command window will open and you will have to wait. After completing the installation it will give you a confirmation message which means you have installed KonBoot correctly and your USB is stick is now bootable.
    How to use this USB stick to hack windows password?
    1)  Take this USB stick and put it on any system that has password on windows. If you have forgotten your windows password then install KonBoot from any other system to your pendrive and then insert it into your system.
    2) Restart your computer and make sure you are booting from your USB drive.
    To make sure you are booting from your USB drive
    • Reboot the system.
    • While booting (before Windows starts loading), get into the BIOS configuration screen by hitting something like F1, F2, Delete or Escape. Hotkey instructions are generally provided on the screen.
    • Go to the section that contains your boot devices.
    • With your USB drive plugged in, the USB drive should be listed. If it isn’t, your system might not support booting from USB. Assuming that it is supported (as is the case with virtually all modern hardware), promote your USB drive to the primary boot device.
    • Make sure Legacy Mode is Enabled and Safe Booting is Disabled. (Ignore if this option is not their)
      Bios USB Booting
    • Exit from the BIOS configuration, saving all changes.
    Just a tip : If you are not able to boot from your USB stick for any reason just check this link- Boot USB drive . Making USB bootable might be difficult for new users therefore i have given enough links so that might do it correctly.
    3 ) After saving settings in BIOS . Just let the computer start. A Kon Boot screen will come up. Let it do it’s magic.
    4) After sometime it will take you to your Login screen.
    5) Choose the account which has administrator privileges given to it and enter any rubbish as your password. It doesn’t matter what you enter because KonBoot will bypass this.
    6) After you are Logged in go to the control panel and reset the password ( It won’t ask for the old password )
    That’s all players. Hope you like this windows password hack.

    Source: hackstories

    How I Hack WhatsApp

    On Daily we have heard news about online services is suffering from a lack of security. In February WhatsApp has been down for nearly four hours,
    as if this were not enough, people became aware of the security flaw that allows conversations that should be read by anyone provided it learn properly perform the procedures.

    Steps to follow:
    1 - First of all you need to have the device at hand, use the Social Engineering and be quick in getting the e-mail and backup files msgstore-2014-05-02.1.db.crypt5.
    To get the email for this follow the procedures below.

    Enter the Play Store and view the e-mail, or write down mentalize somewhere without the person noticing.

    Now Go to the device settings from Settings -> Accounts & Sync, look for the email from Google and mentalize or write down somewhere without the person noticing.

    2 - Now let's take the msgstore-2014-05-08.1.db.crypt7 file To do this, use Polaris Office or any other app that allows you to navigate between folders and manage files.

    Follow this path: My files -> WhatsApp -> Databases - In this directory you will find all the backup files of your messenger.
    When you do find the file sharing for your mobile phone via bluetooth.

    3 - Have we got the e-mail and file backup http://whatcrypt.com/?cmd=_decrypt
    we enter the site and send the backup file.

    To Submit follows:
    Account: Enter the email of the victim
    Database: Select the database backup
    Click Process / download zip
    Save the zip file on your desktop

    4 - Once you have downloaded the backup file in zip format we now need to download the tool to extract the backup and we have access to conversations. Save on the desktop.

    5 - From the desktop to extract the file WhatsApp Decrypt.zip install python-3.4.0 folder and enter the WhatsApp.
    Browse by: WhatsApp -> Whatsapp_Xtract_V2.1_2012-05-10-2

    When youinstall python-3.4.0 do the following steps:
    1 - Go to My Computer, click with the right mouse button and Properties -> Advanced System Settings
    2 - In the System Properties navigate to the Advancedtab -> Environment Variables
    3 - Environment Variables look for Path
    4 - Edit the PATH
    5 - At the end of PATH add ;C:\Python34
    6 - Click ok and close

    6 - Now extract the file from step 3 msgstore_decrypted on the desktop, copy and paste it on WhatsAppfolder -> Whatsapp_Xtract_V2.1_2012-05-10-2 and replace the file

    7 - Replace the WhatsAppfolder -> Whatsapp_Xtract_V2.1_2012-05-10-2 from step 5 and
    look for msgstore.dll file, drag it onto the whatsapp_xtract_drag'n'drop_database file (s) here

    After you drag it will create a file called msgstore.db.html the folder and ask you to press any key at the command prompt to continue ...
    Pressing any key it will open in your default browser displaying the file msgstore.db.html all conversations, dates, numbers, etc...

    Note: In step 2 print shows the crypt 7 but the crypt is correct 5!


    Source: hackersonlineclub